"Thanks to interactions between siblings, children develop
characteristics such as empathy, companionship, and solidarity. It's
possible to learn from our siblings and find solutions to our
problems with their help. But the best part is having someone to
share with. The Whole Dollar demonstrates this through a tender
story of two brothers. They share a room and games, and always
look out for each other. One day, the older brother manages to earn
a dollar for his efforts and with it, he makes a show of affection to
his younger brother. Lori Croy tells us a story based on a true
anecdote, and at the end of the book, photos of the real brothers
show that their bond remains.
During childhood, siblings teach each other skills to resolve conflicts
with friends or in other situations. That's why you should be grateful
if you live with a brother or sister. The Whole Dollar is a beautiful
story that every child should read. The relationship between the
brothers is inspiring and you see how it has overcome the obstacles
of time. For this reason, I recommend the book because, being
based on a real event, it shows that a true sibling bond is possible.
Lori Croy gives us a great example to follow. Having siblings can be
one of the best experiences in life because it forms a relationship of
love and friendship. Being together as a family means shared
laughter and games. Having siblings gives us companionship in the
face of life's challenges and support in difficult times."