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  • loricroy9

What it means when readers give you feedback

When you're an author, you write for the express purpose of reaching your target audience and helping them be educated, entertained, or enriched by your work. As a children's author, the very best kind of feedback I get is to hear that they sat down, were still, and actually read the book, or were eager for someone to read it to them. It's significant when someone takes a photo of this special moment and shares it with me. This is the whole purpose of the work. I thought of a story, I wrote it in a way that children could find joy or meaning, and the pleasure was sent back to me so that I could share that moment. Thank you, Ezra and Espi. I hope you found the meaning of the book The Whole Dollar and will learn to share with each other for a lifetime - even when you're all grown up!

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